Love is Everything

8 min readMay 21, 2020

When people talk about love, they usually talk about a man falling in love with a beautiful woman and they marry and lead a happy life.Well, fairy tales are over. We need to look at love from a new perspective. In fact, love is eternal, there is a deeper meaning to love when it comes to life and the universe.

Lets dive deeper


How do we feel love?

Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the pea sized pituitary gland in our brain. Oxytocin is also called love/cuddle hormone. The brain secretes this neurotransmitter when we fall in love or hug our partner. The good feeling we get when we kiss or have sex is because of high levels of oxytocin in our brain. In fact, females have higher levels than males usually. This might explain why girls love relationships more than males.

Oxytocin affects a persons mood, behavior and thoughts. Low levels of this neurotransmitter leads to anxiety, depression and social disorder. Oxytocin is not only related to sexual love. The unconditional love mother/father has on their child is also due to this hormone. Similarly, the love we have on our pets and plants is also caused by oxytocin. The ability to bond in a social gathering and make friends also depends on this hormone.

However, cortisol is a neurotransmitter that causes stress. Our brain produces it during danger or threat/Fight or flight response. We require it for survival. However, high levels of cortisol causes intense anxiety and mood disorder. The unbalanced levels of cortisol and Oxytocin and serotonin leads to social anxiety disorder. Unfortunately , fears and doubts are what we learn from life, although love and happiness is what we are born with.

Interestingly, science says people who consume MDMA feels intense love, connection and empathy towards everything because It triggers the release of high levels of stored serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin in the brain at once and then go through intense anxiety/downer afterwards due to lack of those neurotransmitters. Although MDMA is not recommended, psychedelics give us a taste of what our minds are capable of, It can be used for therapy and addictions and chronic anxiety. Anyway drug use is not healthy.

God is love!

Love plays a huge role in nature. Reproduction is triggered in humans and animals due to love. Similarly, Love causes the plant and bees relationship and many more of life’s relationship with nature to exist. love gives a whole new meaning to everything. Beauty is developed because of love. We admire things because of it’s beauty. To be honest, beauty is everywhere including within you, but because we do not accept ourselves the way we are, we do not vibrate with love. So if we don’t love us, we simply cannot love the physical world. In fact, If the ugliest insect/animals in the world are admired by someone, it is due to nothing, but pure love.

However most of us do not love ourselves or around us. It can be because most of us are entangled in our daily work that we have no energy to look around. This is why some people feel like they are not really living although they exist. This can be the reason some people are on medication that increase oxytocin/serotonin for anxiety disorder. Your soul needs love.

We need to change our vision.

Love from within

Anyways, questions like “how can i love everything around me if nothing outside looks like how i want”, may arise in you. In fact, nothing outside looks attractive simply because you do not love yourself. Honestly, the first step is to love ourselves. We should accept to love ourselves. In fact, Love needs to start from within and only then it can blossom everywhere like a flower. We need to start accepting ourselves the way we are, regardless our ego’s desires. No matter if you are fat or skinny, different color or born with a skin disorder you need to love and accept yourselves the way you exist.

The desires such as “ i want to be thin” , “ i want to grow taller” or “i want a sexy body like her” are all caused by our ego. The ego causes desires and once we believe them we also trigger suffering. In fact, the fears, doubts and insecurities of self are all a well made illusion created by our minds due to lower conciousness vibration. When we vibrate on the base level of consciousness/default consciousness we believe this illusion we created as real and our default aim in life is only survival. We cannot see beyond our survial needs.

Kundalini energy

Balancing our inner world

If we have a desire to upgrade our conciousness we need to start balancing our 6 chakras through meditation. Only then we begin to see the truth and the illusions of life.

For instance, the 3rd eye or Ajna is a concentrated energy center(chakra) located in the middle of your eyebrows. A well balanced Ajna helps you see through illusions and also improves your intuition/soul communication.

I suggest you research kundalini energy to fully understand.

Illusion of the mind

Anyway, the ego expects certain things in life to reach the “ego created societies standards” . It is an illusion created by our minds.The name and identites we are given at birth does not exist. Since the ego defines itself as that identity, we believe them and give up everything to defend it. In fact, This identity only helps us move through society since we need to identify us when we travel , so learning to stop defending this little illusion as us, is the first step.

Unfortunately, due to childhood programming by our parents and teachers , we develop a certain vision in our heads about the way to live our life and we believe it is the only path. So we try to live our whole life on this path without realizing possibilities are infinite. In fact, you need to know that There is no path. You are free to choose your path. Do not let others decide your path. You can be whoever you want to be. It is you who puts limitations to yourself.

“Love Yourself”

Finally, we need to become conscious of our own ego’s desires and allow and accept those desires to pass, so we can truely accept how we look and align with our higher-self .

In fact in higher dimensional consciousness we gain high intuition, astral travel, alchemy, telepathy etc. In higher dimensions we look at everything such as love and hate, life and universe, good and bad, god and you, soul and body etc as one dance of nature. The truth is everything is one, but it is our lower conscious minds that looks at everything as seperate/duality. .

Universe and you are one dance of life!

When we believe we are being guided we develop a vibration that helps us move through life easily.

“Eventually, we will begin to experience beauty in everything/everywhere including within us”.

In fact, when we start loving ourselves we begin to vibrate and emit a certain frequency that i like to call “love frequency” and also attract what we send off.

Eventually, due to this vibration we become comfortable with our body and self that we begin to admire ourselves and nature/universe as it is without expectations while also pouring unconditional love towards all of life’s exotic creations.

Similarly, our Inner chatting mind begins to slow down and allows us to feel peace within us. In other words, the space between each thoughts grow bigger. That space is you. Finally, our brain and heart begins to vibrate positively while also attracting positivity towards us. We reach a feeling of liberation from self/freedom of self. Finally people will start coming towards you for guidance. Plus, this also eliminates anxiety and pain because all you vibrate within is love and joy.

So in short, the solution is to accept ourselves because nature did not create you to suffer in life , instead it made you conscious to experience life and be closer to god.

Life is infinite times worth it than anything else.

Expand your Mind

Like buying the latest iPhone or laptop that comes with new features, our minds are similar. When we start our journey as a child we are in a state of consciousness by default. In this state we see, learn and grow from the external world, but have no understanding of this existence or mind.

However, when we grow up, we also need to expand our minds since the default state cannot bring clarity/meaning to life and reality. True wisdom exist in higher dimensional consciousness. Some people go through an inner awakening and experience higher states of mind.

However, during the process of expansion we might think we are going nuts, but we must have faith on the divine/god that everything is fine. The process is basically getting rid of all the false beliefs that you created in your mind, to become pure awareness. So the destruction of these beliefs can cause paranoia because many define themselves through these false beliefs and dont want to let go. This expansive process is also called “dark Knight of the soul”. I suggest you look into it.

Anyway, the effective way to expand our minds is daily meditation and being in the moment. Through meditation we not only train our minds to behave but also become conscious of our ego and its play. The moment is all that exist and not the past or future that our minds usually dwells on. Eventually we give power to ourselves and finally free our minds from sufferings and vibrate with our higher self.

We must free ourselves from this prison that restricts our personal desires by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” — Dee Waldeck

I believe what i wrote inspires you to start expanding your mind and believe in the universal energy to guide you, because our lives are all that really belongs to us, nothing else. So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of person you are.Wake up!

